Monday, May 22, 2006

Inner Beauty

Inner beauty is somethign that is talked about amongst many girls. It is a value that needs to be taught to people in defense of the image the media portrayes. What is inner beauty..

It is being able to look in a miroir and see a beautiful person despite what is on the outside. Its being able to love yourself for who you are instead of what you are. This is a very simple concept to wrap your mind around, it is so simple to talk about, its not complex or multifaceted in any way. Its simply loving yourself because you are beautifully and wonderfully made. This is a simple concept..

thats why I don't understand how i strugle with this simple concept the most. I find it very difficult to love who i am, to be confident in who i am. Sometimes i can stand being who i am. Today i was looking at a photo that was just placed into my facebook profile, and it was the end of the last summer. I looked at the picture and saw that i was a tad skinnier than I am now. I imediatly started to think about how i can alter my diet and when i can run, and all of the above. I then looked in the mirior and started to hate what i saw.

People are quick to tell me why this is. They say that i can't love myself because i don't understand God's I might not be a geneouse, but i can garuntee that know one really knows anything about Gods love. "God loves me, and i am beautifull, i am a dimond in the rough that any guy will be pleased to get" says classic church girl. guess what your ugly and the only thing that you will be lucky to get is my size 8 1/2 in your rear. okay so that was a little extream, It just makes me mad when someone tells me that i don't understand Gods love, and thats why im screwed up.

To make a long story short, i guess i am just simply wondering, why there has to be a bible band aid for every problem. If we stop and think about these little sayings we will realize that our brush strokes are a little broad, and our comments are a little close minded and quick.

The question i am wondering tonight is Why can't i love myself? Why do I hate the man in the mirior?


p.s. sprry for calling you ugly, classic church girl, im shure your actually beautiful, and im sure there is a guy out there specifically for your, too bad he is probably ugly too.


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