Sunday, April 23, 2006

Growing Old

Well today i had a bit of a pradigm shift on growign old. As you know from n=my last post I was discussing how sucky it is to grow old and then just die..but maybe there is more...

I was watching the notebook and i realized that their might be more to life than being young and indistructable. Life is more than just conquoring your fears, building and empire, and changing the world....There is more to life than makign money and havign fun..

mayby its about getting old and dying...possibly with another to share in the experience...its the culmination of a life that has been well lived..a celebration of what youv'e done on earth...maybe dying isn't so bad. I can imagine that it will be great to be old with someone who has shared many expeireinces, like children, grandchildren, grief, loss, and victory. I imagine it would be fun to look back on a life filled with happy memories, and then slowly pass..peacfully into the night..leaving behind a generation as proof to what youv'e done.



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