Thursday, March 29, 2007


I am definatly a creauture of routein. There is one computer at the library that i must sit at every day. My computer in the library is one of only a couple of macs, and it is right in front of the starbucks and right next to the window. When i look to my right i can see all sorts of different people walking to class, playign frisbie, hoplessly flirting with wemon way to attractive for them, or just lolygagin around.

Almost every day i am also able to evesdrop on conversations that are happening in the line waiting for 20$ coffe. It is interestign what people talk about, however not that interesting because it all usually ends up being some overly spiritual convo. I am craving some spiritual but not christian conversation, to listen in on. It seams as if the conversations around here seam to repeat themselves.

Today i was listening to some of my friends in the youth ministry department talk about church. They where talking about the injustice of willow creek, and they pretty much all of willow creeks problems in one short sitting. Im not sayign their conversation was un-true, nor un-insightfull. They where probably very accurate with some of the points they where making, however it just shows how idealistic us college students can be. We can solve all of the worlds problems in five minutes, and think everyonw else is crazy fro not seing it. Maybe im just pesamistic in my understanding that the world just doesn't work this way. I belive a big reason why im not liked so much in discusion circles, is becasue i don't let people get away with pie in the sky rationals.
Yes living in a commune with every one in the whole world would be cool, and then no one would be poor, but it doesn't work that way.
Yes selling all of my possessions and living on PB and J would be very christlike, but my wife and kids will hate me!!
Yes church sucks, and they arn't living and workign in the correct "community", and our worship services arn't "vintage" enough," but our view of the church is imiture and void of any real life expereince.

I wonder If being idealistic is having childlike faith...It has all of the charecteristics of a child. Its ideals that are derived from very little real life expereince. However this can't be childlike faith, or itdoesn't make sence if it is. Would we really be encouraged to blinldy fallow ideas that are half informed, and foolish. Is it wrong to look at a problem and see realistic ideas and idealistic ones?


At 6:41 AM , Blogger Wally Harrison said...

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At 6:51 AM , Blogger Wally Harrison said...

I'm very glad that college students are having important and meaningful conversations, but you're right in that the world's problems as well as the church's cannot be solved in a five minute chat. Ideals only go as far as they are lived, and this takes more than just a motivational talk, informational talk, or an intellectual talk. To say Christians just need to... or the church just needs to... often discounts the unique life situation each individual finds themselves in. Someone once said, that the biggest problem with living out an ideal faith, is daily life. Living out our faith might be really easy if we didn't have to work, interact with people, pay bills, and care for others. Thanks for the conversation starter Willis, I think it's an important one.


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