another typical day
Today i heard the same message that I have heard thousands of time in my life as a christian. In chapel the speaker spoke about not just bein friends with jesus but dying like he died, pickin up my cross, turnign from sin...bla..bla....bla..bla! In class i heard a message about how i need to leave my home and be a missionary to unreached indiginouse trible groups, becasue thats what jesus wants. Pretty much i learned today, just like every day at this lovely (sarcasm) college that i suck at life, and am doing nothing significant for christ.Unfortunatly i will never buy into their lies and i can see past the constant alter calls, and challenges to turn from sin and take up my cross. I don't feel guilty when i don't rais emy hand and proclaim that i will take up my cross and live radically for christ, and proclaim that my life will be completly different from this momnet. I could raise my hand but it would be a lie. I would be no different than the momnet i walked in that building. Instead I continue to see my life as a journey that i am struggling through. Meeting new challenges daily and screwing things up just as much as usual. Maybe im just too much of a realist in my belive that we arn't meant to live converstion to converstion. Maybe my ideal of actualy living a life of struggle and slow progression is just hat, an ideal. however my ideal makes a tad more sence than turning from sin completly, only to have to do it again in the next chaple service.
Your problem is that you are a pessimistic, inarticulate, crude, sarcastic, critical, depressing Christian. Quit throwing stones at the church and start doing something positive with your whiny, self-absorbed life. If I were you I'd kick my own a**.
Wow thanks anonymous! I'm currently kicking my ass...thanks for the advice, your totaly right (sarcasm)
Thanks for the laugh, I might copy and past this comment right back at you!
Dear Mike, I'm not sure what it is like to have arrived as a Christian, but apparently part of that process is to leave anonymous comments on someones blog. Apparently if I were a real Christian I would not have put my name on here, I would confront you with your problems in an unbiblical way like Mr. Anonymous up there. Also I am very impressed at all of the big words Mr. Anonymous used at the beginning of his comment, do I think he knows what they mean? NO!!! Keep searching for Christ Mike and never ever settle for the status quo Christian life!
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