Sunday, December 03, 2006

college life is nothing more than nose deep in commentaries

These last couple of days i have been spending a whole great deal of my time reading bible commentaries. We will put aside the extreamly boring and daunting task of scripture exegisis, and focus on the comentray. I have been amazed at the amount of detail a commentary has about the smallest verse. Reading the notes in these commentries bring me to the realization that we christians have really screwed up in our interprutations. The passage that i am doign comes out of colossians 2:16-18, and it deals a lot with people judging others for not fallowing the same rituals or laws. Its amaing that through all of the reading that i have been doing, i have pretty much completly tore down the foundation that many christians build their lives on. I shoudl be excited about this, but im in the homework mode, so nothing is exciting. I am looking forward to being done with classes so i can do studies of my own, with comentaries and good stuff like that.

I don't want to be a bible basher, or a know it all, but i don't want to be stupid and iliterate, so im gogin to have to do some study for myself sooner or later!

peace, willis


At 6:21 AM , Blogger Wally Harrison said...

There is a good chance that the things you are doing now that bore you, will probably be things you love to do when a grade is not on the line. For some reason the pressure of a grade, or at least the pursuit of one, can sometimes diminish the beauty that comes from studying God's word. Don't worry so much about the attitudes of those around you and find enjoyment in God's word whenever the opportunity arises.

Giddy up Willis!


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