Tuesday, June 20, 2006


once again im late for bed so here is a quick one.

T-ball is awsome, my team kicks but. Tonight was a very fun game and im proud of all the players.

Good slide Ryder..you where safe!

I love hangin with the family in grandhaven, its always fun, and it is the first and only group I can realyl say that i actualy fit into to..ya for that. you guys rock!

My birth family, the ma and pa "Which i love very much as well" are in wisconsin, which leaves me home alone. It makes me realize how alone i realy am. Its not a good feeling, but i won't go into that because thats a big ol pitty party for myself, and who wants to go to one of those parties...not me!!

lifes pretty sweet, it would be better if i didn't have to work, but lifes tuff, so deal!!

The jettas still broken down booo.

can't wait for my softball game tomarow.

i talked to the cat yesterday..that was wierd...i am going crazy..had a full conversation with the dag gone thing!! pray for my soul.

any ways i need to go to bed..good night!
