The modern/post-modern/evangelical/skeptic
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Dear Wally
Hey wally i now your the only one checkin this, so hey in advance!!I had a realization today on my walk to the library, and it relates to my extream discomfort about beign at spring arbor.
Are you ready for it....
here it is "Everbody is weird, its like they are in a year long j.r. high all nighter."
I simply can't relate to these people..they are far to weird for me to would thing we would have a shroom problem, becasue the last time i saw this behavior was watching my friends "trip" on the funny little fungie. I wonder is it jesus making them high, or are they just retarded and lackign of all comon socail scense.
I talked to a good friend of mine today, and we discussed a possibilitie. We are looking into the possibilitie of rasing 5,000 dollars to dig a well in africa. 30,000 people die daily becasue of lack of healhy drinking watre. 5,ooo dollars could supplie a whole villiage with fresh drinking water. I want to do this becasue im sick of doding nothing, and I don't have enough money to give to all of the organizations, therfore i think that i could turn my efforts to raising money...just a thought.
well i better get back to homework,