Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Blog

I want this to be at the top of the page so i am posting it again...

I have a new trying it out not sure if im going to keep it...let me know how you like it!!

it is Smoking George

the URL is

the LL's are actualy ones "11" so dont use LL's

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Once again I posted my thoughts and views, and once again i got an angry response from anonymous. He commented saying that i am a pessimistic, inarticulate, crude, sarcastic, critical, depressing Christian. I am humbly goign to say that this is a true statment, however i think he missed a couple so let me add on I am also angry, bitter, unpleasent, stink after long workouts, might suffer form the occasional male PMS, cursed with ADD, short and the list goes on and on!

Basically I am trying to say thanks to anonymous for pointing out the obviouse, I am a flawed individual. There where people in the bible who where perfect christians, they did everything right, and where seen as religious leaders...they where called Pharisees. I am proud to say i am not one of those!

You also said that i need to quit throwing stones at the church. well this is true, however i was throwing stones at spring arbor university, not at church.I can do little to change chapek speakers, or class topics; i am forced to sit through these things. I am doing things to imrove the situtation as far as church goes. I am dedicating my life to make change for the better. I suggest you take your own advice and stop throwing stones at me, and help me become a better person. Do this by adding to the discussion through questions and insightful comments. Stop wasting everyones time with your ignorant angry explosions!

New Blog

I am switchin it up, and changing blog sites. My new site is

the ll are ones 11 not ll


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I would kick his A@#

If you know me, than you will know that i am probably the least likly person to actualy get into a fight. I just do go looking foro people to brawl with. However i seam to where a sign on my neck that says "challange me to a fight." For some reason people seam to pride themselves in thinking that they can "Beat me up." Its a funny ideal becasue who really cares for one, and the majority of those who seam to challenge me would proabbly loose (just to make a small claim to my mascalinity).

Today i was walkign into the library and these two people where chattign it up when one pointed at me and the other said "I would kick his a@#." The funny thing is he was completly serious. Who walks around pointing out people they could beat up, High school called and they want their drama back. He stared me down and did the cocky laugh as he walked away. I look at him with the most confused look on my face as if to say "What planet are you from" I was spechless. As i watched him walk away i felt anger build, and i actually wnted to walk him down and show him that i could indead dominate his skinny little...butt. This dude was smaller than me, but he had one of those, im more popular than you, attitudes. Im sure this was an attidtude that suited him well in high school, but as a freshmen in college im sure he will learn how truly little people care about how cool he thinks he is.

This post is dedicated to D-bags like him who continue to enrich our lovely society

P.S. I would have put him in the hospital if he ever challenged me to a fight, He would be eating through a straw for months.



My myspace is on the frits and its bothering the crap out of me. Im trying to change my profile layout..aka the background! Althogh im sure I will let me on soon and will be able to change it around.

Check it out

Monday, April 16, 2007

another typical day

Today i heard the same message that I have heard thousands of time in my life as a christian. In chapel the speaker spoke about not just bein friends with jesus but dying like he died, pickin up my cross, turnign from sin...bla..bla....bla..bla! In class i heard a message about how i need to leave my home and be a missionary to unreached indiginouse trible groups, becasue thats what jesus wants. Pretty much i learned today, just like every day at this lovely (sarcasm) college that i suck at life, and am doing nothing significant for christ.

Unfortunatly i will never buy into their lies and i can see past the constant alter calls, and challenges to turn from sin and take up my cross. I don't feel guilty when i don't rais emy hand and proclaim that i will take up my cross and live radically for christ, and proclaim that my life will be completly different from this momnet. I could raise my hand but it would be a lie. I would be no different than the momnet i walked in that building. Instead I continue to see my life as a journey that i am struggling through. Meeting new challenges daily and screwing things up just as much as usual. Maybe im just too much of a realist in my belive that we arn't meant to live converstion to converstion. Maybe my ideal of actualy living a life of struggle and slow progression is just hat, an ideal. however my ideal makes a tad more sence than turning from sin completly, only to have to do it again in the next chaple service.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Educated Exegesis = Crazy Worldview

Today during one of my thousands of exegetical assingments, i was faced, yet again, with the reality that any educated individual can easly see holes in the view of most conservative christians. This education that i speak of is not in reference to time spent in a schooling situation, rather comon sense and the ability to read. The materials that i read from people who are highly educated, like commentaries, and books by proffesors all point to a common theme "Christians are way off the mark in most of their biblical exegesis."
It is amazing what we can uncover in scripture by actually looking behind the text and not take it literly. There is a danger when we read a letter from paul, and for his opinions to fit situations in our lives. He was writing his letters to a completly different culture, in completly differnt time period, with imensly differnt problems. When we look behind the original meaning to the heart of the message, or the significance in the greater story we see a much differnt paul, a much differnt church, and even a much different God.
The bottom line is that we are never as right as we think we are. The un-negotiable we hold as christians can be highly asinine, and in need of some revision. We can't fear change or transformation, instead we need to wrestle with it to regain our relevance to the world around us. With this type of aprouch to scripture we will be different, and threatening. To most our worldview will seam crazy, un-inspired, sinful, and a clear abominashion of the text, however its actualy the complete opposite. The only worldview that is truly messed up and crazy is the one we are all duped into fallowing, aka the current christian worldview.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well i made it officail on facebook today so i thought i would let you peeps know to. The most eligable, is no longer so. I was finaly able to trick someone into dateing me. Okay i didn't really trick her, i think this one actually like me...haha. Just wanted to let you all know that i am no longer single, which makes me happy.


More inspiration from my coffe shop computer!

The movie breakfast club is as true today as it was a billion years ago when it came out (sorry if that makes you feel old). However their are different types of groups and people wherever you go. Here at SAU their really arn't different group, just people who wan't to be in a certain group. Basicaly they are a bunch of wanabe's.

Today i was listenign to someone order some tea at starbucks, and he was trying to sound really cool. The conversation revolved around the different "ZEN" teas, and this is when it struck me, these two really have no clue what they are talking about. These two people in particular are both from "OHIO", they don't smoke pot, nor do they have any clue how to achive zen. They are christian college studetns who want to be "Starbucks Cool," sorry but the label i was think ing of was more along the lines of "complete Tool."

I know some people here at spring arbor who could have a conversation about differetn Zen tea's, and actually know what they are talking about. People who grew up in the city, and actauly fit into that culture. I don't know why i write this it was just funny to me!


Monday, April 02, 2007

To anonymous

I fully admit that my words in my pervious blog where not well thought out, nor where they spelled right. This is mostly due to the 5 min I had to write it, not an excuse I maybe should have thought a little more before publishing. Let me re-write what I meant to say, not what I said.

What I’m trying to get at with this story is that in my journey with Christ he has not come down from the clouds and spoken to me one on one. I have spoken to many pastors in conservative, “emergent”, and the charismatic camps, and I have never heard of them talking to God one on one. I would agree that God will use certain things and people to confirm a calling, or a vision, but most of the time these things are still cloudy, and need further poking and prodding.

I’m simply trying to warn people from over using the God card and saying that this is for sure what “God” is telling them to do. Maybe you have a good feeling or the things that God is putting into your life are pointing in a direction, but its hard to know for certain. I thought that once God was telling me to move from home…I didn’t after actually thinking about it, and know that I look back on the whole situation I can see that God probably didn’t intend on me moving away from home.

True, my experiences aren’t like everyone else’s experience, and maybe God does speak to others in a way that leads them to say exactly what God is telling them to do. However in the majority of the people I have talked to share a similar experience as I. In conclusion we shouldn’t be afraid to say that “I want to do this,” lets take a little more responsibilities for what we want to do, and maybe use the “God wants me to” card a little less.

To anonymous, I do appreciate you pointing out that I was wrong in writing what I did. I would just ask that next time you do it in a little more respectful way. I didn’t appreciate the way you tried to make me look dumb, with all the quotation marks and what not. Next time just say what’s on your mind, and add to the discussion. Sorry if I took it the wrong way by being offended by your comment, but I did!

Sorry to everyone else for writing irresponsibly, and quickly, I will try not to let it happen again, but it will so give me some grace please.


Manipulating Jesus

I sat in a different seat today due to my computer bein taken...grrrr! I made the best of a negative situation by sitting on the other side by the couches. I over heard another conversation while i was doign my homewrok today. I don't know exsactly what these two people where talkign about but i over heard a genreal theme. The girl was tryign to defend her position or her dicision with the popular tag line "God wants me to do this," I find this extreamly puzzling that someone can be so sure of what God is asking them to do. We make it sound like God comes down from the clouds and speaks to us one on one, however this is never the case. I know the God that i fallow speaks not thorugh an audible voice, but through circumstances in my life. I have passions, goals, visions, dreams, and talants that where all given from God. Pursuing these thigns will ultimatly lead me to where God wants me. i have never had God say to me "Michael you must go to spring arbor, put up with a bunch of crap, and then graduate with a degree that pretty much isn't worth anything!" I did it becasue it made sence, it was a logical next step for me. I didn't Manipulate Jesus by saying God is telling me that i must go here, it just happened. Just another funny little convo i had the privlage to eves drop on! or something like that!
