Tuesday, June 27, 2006

busy week

this week is unusually hecktict. For some reason i have a million things to do this week.

paper that are due at the end of july
fixing my car
makin millions of phone calls to spring arbor
heading up Moto

Ya its a busy week,but i really don't mind. I am most effective when i am busy, it allows me to simply roll from one thing to another. The down time kills me. for some reason i can't wait for school to start..don't get me wrong i HATE college, however i HATE work even more...and i only have a year left so that helps.

Nate is away today at a tigrs game so i am the head coach for today t-ball game. It will be a fun time as usual, my team rocks.

well good morning, willis

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


once again im late for bed so here is a quick one.

T-ball is awsome, my team kicks but. Tonight was a very fun game and im proud of all the players.

Good slide Ryder..you where safe!

I love hangin with the family in grandhaven, its always fun, and it is the first and only group I can realyl say that i actualy fit into to..ya for that. you guys rock!

My birth family, the ma and pa "Which i love very much as well" are in wisconsin, which leaves me home alone. It makes me realize how alone i realy am. Its not a good feeling, but i won't go into that because thats a big ol pitty party for myself, and who wants to go to one of those parties...not me!!

lifes pretty sweet, it would be better if i didn't have to work, but lifes tuff, so deal!!

The jettas still broken down booo.

can't wait for my softball game tomarow.

i talked to the cat yesterday..that was wierd...i am going crazy..had a full conversation with the dag gone thing!! pray for my soul.

any ways i need to go to bed..good night!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

good timing

Today was another good story of timing. My car broke down today on my way to the gathering. right when it broke down a guy noticed and helped me push my car off hte road. He then gave me a ride back to my house....awsome!

I needed to get my car to the repair shop so i called my friend mike. I used to hang out with mike in high school, an haven't really seen him until i had dinner with him on friday. So little did i know that i would be callign him today to help me out. He first toad my car to his house, and we looked at it and replaced some things that where bad, but no luck. We then toad my car to the repair shop where it will be fixed.

I don't have to worry about the money for this, because i got my first pay check in 6 weeks thursday. So everything kind of happened with good timing.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Being a learner

today in the gathering i noticed something, everyone was fallowign along in their bibles to the message that was beign givin. They where joting notes and pulling thigns from the message, and thats when it dawned on me...i am not willing to learn.

I am eager to learn from others, i am egaer to leanr from their lives, and from their stories, but i can no longer learn from a message or from a lecture. As i was lookign around i realized that i was mising a lot of good stuff, i was failign to take in some good information from the message. I couldn't get into the story becasue i was not fallowing along in my bible.

It is a crappie feeling because i am supposed to graduate in a year, and i am gogin to be responsible for others, i will be responsible for their spiritual journeys. Its hard to imagine this becasue i feel so insignificant, so unworthy to teach, so unworthey to be used, so unworthy to be looked up to.

I know that God uses us even though we are unworthy, and compared to him we are definatly insignificant. These are classic christian sayings and stuff that i am well aware of, but these sayign only go so far. Although i feel very unable to do the job, and extreamly un-prepared, i know that this has to be normal. It just leaves me with a questions, one that i have asked many times. Is the current medium for delivering and retaining the message of jesus effective for a multitude of poeple, or is it aimed at only a small group of people, a group of people who do well in school, the group of peopel who get honored for their outstanding grades, and thier abilitie to retain mass amounts of usless information.

My whole life i have felt insignificant in all of these areanas. I am not a classic learner, i don't enjoy listining to people talk for boring amounts of time, nor do i learn very much from a class room. My whole life i have looked around at every one and felt like crap for beign me, for being different. but when will that all change, who will be the one who changes it.

Today during communion i actually felt good for being me, maybe it was God, maybe it was the bread and juice, i don't know. But for a breif second i felt good about being "dumb". Maybe i am the one who will change the status quo. Maybe i am the one to make the rest of the people fit in. Its true i don't know very many bible passgaes, nor could i get any name right in the bible, except jesus. To many studetns this wont matter, the thing that will matter is the person who actually whole heartedly beleives in the them. The person who will cheer them on despite their D's and Someone who will give them awards for being individuals, and not for being just like everyone else. This is a dream, it is somethign that i wish i could have expereinced, therfore it is my job to make it true for others. shalom.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006


hey whats up wprld, or at least the two people reading this..i just wanted to sopt bye a give a little up date. I had an allright day at work today, i got the privilage of crawlign in a serivice tunnel all day at work, it was very old, therfore i was covered in black..something..and i saw some interesting creatures..okay just one spider, but it freaked me out.

I love the fact that im working becasue I need the money.

I just started a private journal, whih is more of a thought book, well i guess thats what a journal is. Thats gogin good, im sure i will forget to do it in a couple of ddays, but its good now.

i have to go to bed, i have another day of work tomarow.

I'm looking forwrd to couching T-ball thursday with nate, and im excited to start whatching band-of-brothers

I think my mind is screwed up. I was mowing the lawn to day, and i thought I completed the front, but when i looked out there a little while later i realized that i stoped with 3/4 left to go, whats up with that.
